I need to do this blog. I think of writing and sharing my story pretty much all the time. I am narrating some sort of share all day every day. I have written and not published so much shit. I am going to bounce around and pray that my writing becomes something useful and wonderful. I sat down to write today about something light and unrelated to the fear I carry. Fear, I am told is of the devil. I should pray and give it to God. Have Faith. Faith like mine is built on stories my mother and spiritual leaders have shared. My Faith has no foundation. I do not study my Book. The last time I tried to read the Bible I was in 7th grade. I cried myself to sleep. It was so hard to read. I just did not get it. I leaned heavier into Church or Sunday School or my Mom. I read the children's Bible with my kids with the same 10 stories. I turned off a sermon yesterday on my Mom's phone. It was running and no one was watching it. The sermons are always the same. The readings enough of a glimmer that without being a regular attendee they are kind of a tale... remember this... I will tell you about that... My children should see me read the Bible. Dyslexia and Why does The Book contain so many lineage surface deterrents. It was so hard. NOW!!! Now it is hard and I have made choices that haunt me. What if I study and read and it isn't there? Faith. What if it is gone. What if I am now able to understand and study the Bible and the Romance is Over. Too much Life Lived. Too much Abuse. Too much Torture. The sentence too Long and the Punishment too Severe. Unjust. What if I just cannot hack it? Who do I hand all that shit to without Faith? I do pray my ass off to God. Is it enough that I believed 100% in Jesus as a Child? That I taught my kids to pray in His Name? Life has taught me I do not understand. I do not understand Forgiveness after a certain point. Motherhood has taught me that I am angry with a God who would sacrifice his own son. Throw in the holy trinity and BLAMO, it was really only a 3rd of himself... so what the marvel comics... I think of a Hilter Judas Character. In That Guy's last moments the Bible says he could be forgiven. The truth is I try to think of Hilter, but it is my X's mean fat face (nothing against a fat face unless it is his F@#%ing Fat Face). I do not understand how to deal with this set of cards.
I own four chickens. They should all be hens. I have one beautiful very trusting (in the wild this is called STUPID) Rooster. I am almost sure one rooster, no eggs, yet. A few of the females seem to pseudo-crow. This writing is done before dawn because for two days I have been Choking the chicken. I have no one to laugh at the absurdity of me with my cobwebs repeatedly choking a chicken. I have a 6-year-old. My son is amazing. Pretty much the easiest child ever in some ways. He does not lie. He will do just about anything if you can win a logic battle. An explanation or desired reward is negotiated. He is a saint with safety rules. Not to say he doesn't do his own version of lying. He will passionately not reply, but when pressed he tells the truth amongst many words. We were picking a movie for another family fun night and there is a tiny list that sometimes pops up under the ratings... We looked at about four movies. The fine print stated graphic, violence, adult content, sexual innuendo, blah blah inappropriate blah blah. Why isn't there a level for movies between G and PG A Youth(Y), like tv? So I can feel ok, not Parental Guidance-ing. My first grader read the words. He began to randomly remind me that I told him I would explain the words to him... when I figured out how to do it in an age-appropriate way. This velcro choker collar was supposed to stop or at the least soften the Crows. The collar doesn't seem to work, but it has provided a giggle or three. It is also the perfect example of a "sexual innuendo." I told my small human it was an example of the aforementioned on the PG list and then ran away. Sexy and Sexual Content was difficult enough. I explained that they meant pretty in an adult way, the after puberty and hormones type of pretty. I then asked if he could explain mating (the term in all his science books). He stated it is when animals get married. I processed/washed dishes. Shortly after dawn, both of my Babies are asleep in front of the tree, I sit outside with a Rooster wearing a decorative choker necklace, a harness, and a leash. I breathe in my age, my baggage, and my blessings.
I adjust my giant red flags "normal" people see. I hunch over the scarlet letter of Abuse. The stain a victim or survivor will always carry. Why not make myself just a bit weirder? Ward off the Evil. I would rather be alone.
I have do not have the energy or trust in people to reach out even to my oldest friends. I do not remember how to make new Freinds. Romance? If God wants he can find someone just odd enough to enjoy me and see stains as formidable battle scars.
This is CoronaChristmas. Possibly the last one my babies are safe from their Dad. The inflictor of damage. One reason I need to write.
Two oddly linked Shitty Person Stories to conclude. Random facts.
I had my baby dog for 19 years. He went blind at one. I got married when my dog was 11, my son when he was 13, and my daughter when he was 16. This is when we left the abuser. Two years after we left my husband visited. Five times during the hour he visited he asked my son, "Who is that dog?" "I have never met that dog." "What is wrong with his eyes?" Two Years After We Left-15 times.
Later that year he filed for divorce and explained down to me that cutting out gluten and getting regular rest cured his Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI, and all of his other health issues. One year later our dog died and the kids told their Dad.
The next Conversation and like clockwork after he talks about and makes his dogs bark... Dogs he went to great lengths to hide and lie about. "That is my neighbor's dog." "I am dog sitting." Dogs he did not mention owning for over two years. Why?