Whenever a young mother begins to tell me her tale of woe, I remember raising my hellions. I have a story that will top anything of yours!
My children always brought home animals. Not one or two. Lots of animals. The one with the collar grown into his neck, the one that the Science teacher SAID was a girl, the one that destroyed the bathroom door, the one that lived in the netting under my mattress, and the one that ate the couch to name a few.
My darlings were in charge of the kitchen fish bowl. They were to keep it clean, and feed the fish. I ignored the fish....that was a mistake.
Once, I stated quite clearly NOT to put the fish eggs in the fish bowl. The kids simply stated (after the fact) that they wanted to see how the fish developed and hatched. It was educational they maintained. And it was!!
They discovered how much of a screaming maniac their mother could become when lots and lots of baby frogs were hopping all over the kitchen!